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Entries Tagged ‘stocks’

Designing An ETF Portfolio – U.S. Stocks

One of the best ways for the average investor to beat the market is by selecting an asset allocation and then re-balancing the portfolio at the end of each year. Most investment advisors recommend keeping the stock portfolio to roughly 100 – your age, so if you are 40 years old you would be in […]

Using Gold Stocks To Predict Movements In Gold Prices

The stock market in general is considered to be forward looking, in other words the prices are based on future expectations not on present reality. That’s why the best time to buy stocks is usually when things look the worst, like March 2009 for example. Stock market turns generally lead turns in the economy by […]

Bull Market In Stocks

People often talk about a bull market and in general this means that the stock market is going up.  The reason Wall Street uses the Bull and Bear to describe the trend of the market is because when a bull attacks it goes up with it’s horns.  When a Bear attacks it goes down with […]